The Latinx Research Center
The Latinx Research Center (LRC) was founded in its previous iteration as the Center for Latino Policy Research in 1989. As of 2018, its mission has expanded as an interdisciplinary and Transamerica research center that produces scholarship and provides student and faculty research opportunities to address social, cultural, economic, and political inequality affecting the diverse Latinx population of the United States. As a campus and national research hub, the LRC also disseminates cutting-edge research illuminating the valuable contributions of Latinxs to society. The history, condition, experiences, and future projections regarding the vast and growing U.S. Latinx community impacts not only Latinxs but contributes to a stronger, richer nation built on knowledgeable respect for and engagement with ethnic and cultural differences.
We support the relevant research produced by UC Berkeley’s leading Latinxs studies scholars through internal research projects, graduate and undergraduate student research and leadership opportunities, public programming that includes public policy papers, lectures by faculty and student researchers available on our YouTube channel, podcasts, Latinx art exhibitions, and digital art exhibition catalogs, and through our new e-magazine, Revista N’oj, providing well-informed, accessible commentary regarding Latinxs in the United States and developments in Latin America, seen from U.S. Latinx transnational lens. Learn more about our numerous activities at
The LRC hosts top scholars from campus and across the nation, political and community leaders, poet laureates, distinguished artists, and provides a welcoming space for the campus and the local community to meet, learn, and create impactful solutions together. We are proud to be a fundamental part of UC Berkeley’s distinguished and ongoing history of visionary, democratic leadership in new ideas, research, and policy recommendations. Given the challenges facing our campus, our state, nation, and world, the Latinx Research Center’s mission is more critical than ever. Your support will help us continue to advance the important work of educating for respectful coexistence across the kinds of differences that have built our campus, state’s and country’s strengths, and ongoing potential.
$1,000 Familia de la LRC
Your generous gift supports all of the Center’s work: speakers, exhibitions, publications, and production of YouTube videos and podcasts, working groups, and our new digital Revista N’oj, presenting well-informed news and commentary about events concerning U.S. Latinxs and Latin America, from U.S. Latinx perspectives.
$5,000 Policy Briefs
Your gift supports the publication and dissemination of our Policy Briefs series, which began in 1989. These briefs cogently outline an important policy issue and provide solutions for policymakers, practitioners, and policy advocates.
$15,000 Summer Academic Support
Your contribution will support two undergraduate student research interns. In partnership with our collaborating organizations, Research Interns will be given mentored, intensive, practical opportunities to become a part of a community organization. Interns will learn to work with the media, write reports/press releases, testify at key policy hearings, and participate in key meetings with top government officials, corporate CEOs, and political leaders.
Consider Becoming a Named Sponsor & Patron
Sponsors will have their names added to a plaque at the Latinx Research Center and honored in a special event.
$35,000 Main Meeting Room 1st Floor
$15,000 Foyer Entryway,1st Floor
$10,000 Marco Firebaugh Library 1st Floor
The Conference Room 1st Floor will be named in honor of the donor and honored in a special event.
$500,000 – $1,000 000
Chicana/o/x Latina/o/x Studies Endowed Chair(s) will be named in honor of the donor(s) and celebrated in a special invitation event.
$1,000 000 – $5,000,000
First endowed chair in the field of Chicana/o Latina/o Studies – A historic opportunity!
Please make a gift online at any time, at:
Or with a check made payable to:
The Regents of the University of California, with Latinx Research Center in the memo line, and sent to our mailing address:
The Latinx Research Center, 2420 Bowditch Street, #5670, Berkeley, CA 94720-5670.
For more information, please contact: