The Latinx Research Center is a faculty-led research center offering support and collaboration to campus and other researchers focused on U.S. Latinx and hemispheric communities. The “x” in our name signals our commitment to centering non-binary sexual and gender diversity. It also marks the unknown factors in the history, experience, conditions, contributions, and needs of California’s and the country’s diverse and rapidly growing Latinx populations that we investigate. We are an internationally recognized hub for Latinx-focused research and partner broadly across campus, the state, the U.S., and the globe. Originally founded through state mandate in 1989, as the Center for Latino Policy Research, the CLPR produced social sciences-centered research, conferences, symposia, and white papers on Latinxs and education, the environment, Indigenous communities, migration, and technology. Today, the new LRC research portfolio has expanded to also include the arts, education, gender, health, history, media, the sciences, and sexuality. Through our independent fundraising, the LRC provides numerous full-time staff positions and paid post-doctoral, dissertation, and undergraduate research opportunities to five current major research initiatives. The LRC showcases cutting-edge Latinx research by the University of California, Berkeley’s top experts through public programming which is available through our YouTube channel. We also train students in administrative and managerial leadership and in the high-quality production of our digital magazine, podcasts, and other publications.
Shorb House
2547 Channing Way
Berkeley, CA 94709