Kalfou: A Journal of Comparative and Relational Ethnic Studies from UC Santa Barbara focuses on social movements, social institutions, and social relations. Kalfou is currently seeking submissions that address what Sunaina Maira describes as the “weaponization” of...

Berkeley Graduate Division – Leadership in Graduate Diversity Awards
The Cynthia Ladd-Viti Leadership in Graduate Diversity Award and the Carla Trujillo Leadership in Graduate Diversity Award recognize and reward graduating doctoral or professional school students’ contributions to diversifying the academy during their graduate careers...

UC Berkeley ISSI (Institute for the Study of Societal Issues) Graduate Fellows Program
The Graduate Fellows Program (GFP) provides Berkeley doctoral students with an interdisciplinary, intergenerational, and inclusive environment for research and training. In addition to receiving monthly stipends, Graduate Fellows enjoy access to a rich array of...
Penn State Latina/os and U.S. Political Histories Essay Scholarship
The Latina/o Studies Program at Penn State University requests proposals for papers that connect Latina/o/e/x history to central themes and turning points in U.S. political history broadly conceived. What are the big questions in Latina/o history that tie it to larger...

Assistant/Associate/Full Professor – Cluster Hire in Latinxs and Democracy – University of California, Berkeley
The University of California, Berkeley seeks applicants for four tenure track (Assistant Professor) positions and one tenured (Associate or Full Professor) position in the area of “Latinxs and Democracy.” Successful junior candidates will be invited to join one or...
2021 France-Berkeley Fund call for proposals
The 2021 France-Berkeley Fund call for projects is now open through February 1. The France-Berkeley Fund invites applications for up to $12,000 in seed funding for new collaborations between faculty and research scientists at the University of California, Berkeley and...
Call for Binational Collaborative Projects Addressing COVID-19
Deadline: May 30, 6PM PST. The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) through the Scientific Research Coordination (CIC), the Liaison and Technology Transfer Coordination (CVTT) and the University of California (UC) through Alianza UCMX in collaboration with...
The National Women’s Studies Association grants & awards opportunities
Deadlines are approaching. Visit their website to learn more: https://nwsa.org/page/prizes
COVID-19 Information for UC Berkeley Grad Students with Dependents
Students with dependents are eligible for fifty (50) hours of subsidized back-up care if their child's school is closed, or their regular caregiver is not available. Students must be pre-registered for the program. Register here. Additionally, until April 30, 2020...

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: UC Berkeley Faculty Leadership Academy Fall 2020
Call for nominations for the fall 2020 Faculty Leadership Academy. This program, designed to grow our faculty leadership pipeline, is for tenured Berkeley faculty who are interested in developing skills and knowledge for leadership on the Berkeley campus. To be...